Patch Notes
Patch Notes 03/22/2023
Item Mall
New Item Mall, Nostalgia Event
New and Ending Events
[New] Nostalgia Grind Event
[Ending] St. Patrick Day Event
[Ended] St. Patrick's Day Enchant and Soulcraft Event
[Ended] St. Patrick's Day Mini Sale
Item Mall
- Devastation Weapon Box
- Annihilation Weapon Box
- Spiked Wing Box
- Little Helper Balloon
- Mysterious Party Mask Box
- Atlantis Weapon Box (80 IM)
- Protector of the Universe Weapon Box (80 IM)
- Little Devil Balloon Box (80 IM)
- Titan Wings Box (80 IM)
- Colorful Eye-Patch Box (80 IM)
- Gray Set of Unity
- Set of Unity
- Libra Highschool Uniform (male)
- Libra Highschool Uniform (female)
- Blue Sweety Attendant Uniform
- Pink Tiger-Patterned Hoodie
- Vintage Tiger-Patterned Hoodie
- Piyo Raincoat
- Special
Fire Guardian Set [Special]
Nature Guardian Set [Special]
Dark Guardian Set [Special] - Artifact
[Best] Black Set of Unity [Artifact]
[Best] Set of Unity [Artifact]
Unholy Crusader Armor [Artifact]
Unholy Crusader Armor
Item Stats
- Hat: Final Critical Success Chance +3%
- Top: Max HP +15%
- Bottom: Max MP +15%
- Gloves: Attack Speed +20%
- Shoes: Movement Speed +20%
- Shoulders: Critical Damage +20%
- Wings: Physical Damage Drop +8%, Magic Damage Drop +8%
Set Stats
- 1 piece: STR +65, INT +65
- 2 pieces: Movement Speed +38%, Attack Speed +38%
- 3 pieces: HLT +45
- 4 pieces: AGI +50
- 5 pieces: Critical Damage +40%
- 6 pieces: Min/Max PATK +30%, Min/Max MATK +30%
- 7 pieces: Final Critical Success Chance +10%
Patch Notes 03/30/2023
Multi-Language Client Test update
Multilanguage Game Client Update
Hello DragonSaga friends,
Hallo DragonSaga-Freunde,
Bonjour à tous les amis de DragonSaga,
Hola amigos de DragonSaga,
Olá amigos DragonSaga,
we are proud to announce that we are able to provide our game client in 5 different languages now:
- English
- German
- French
- Spanish
- Brazilian-Portuguese
Quest titles, item names, location names, achievements and monster names are intentionally kept in the original english language for better community communication. Furthermore it is only possible to search the open market using the original english item names. Also words which are shown as images have not been translated.
Please know that all languages except of the original English one have been machine translated and may contain grammatical and contextual mistakes or inconsistences. If you come across any of those inconsistences please let us know.
Currently we are only offering the Patch Notes and in-game Newsfeed in English language but this shall change within the next weeks. We are planning to provide Patch Notes in all 5 languages and the in-game newsfeed shall be shown in the selected client language.
Please note that we are currently in a QA testing phase for the multilanguage update and you all are invited to try the new languages out and report problems, mistakes, etc. The official launch of the multilanguage client will follow at a later time.
Patching Process
The patching process will be a bit different this time. When the maintenance is finished and the servers have been opened start the patcher as usual. The patcher will start a patching process and after this patching process is done click on "Game Start" as always.
The game will not start, instead a new Patcher screen will come up and shows an agreement. Please read the agreement and check the "I agree" checkbox and click on the "Continue" button. The new patcher loader will download a new release of the DragonSaga client patcher and will start it afterwards. The agreement is only shown once per installation.
This new client patcher provides the possibility to select the language your client will start with by clicking on the flag at the patcher top area you want the client to be started in. If you already selected a different language at the agreement screen this language will be set as default language when the new client patcher starts for the first time. Please note that you can only change your client language at the patcher screen and not in-game!
Trade Chat -- New Rule
Starting with the update to the multilanguage game client the DragonSaga team has decided that in the Trade Chat no other language than English is allowed to use anymore. This decision will help to improve the community interaction and to reduce toxicity and insults using non-English languages which cannot be understood by everyone.
The only excpetion to this rule is for guild recruitment announcements which can still be made in the native language the guild is using. For multilanguage guilds we recommend using English announcements.
Breaking this new rule will have the following consequences for the person using a non-English language:
The new rule does only affect the Trade Chat. Friend Chat, Regular Chat and Guild Chat as well as whispers and 1:1 chats stay unaffected.
EXP Event
To celebrate the start of the multilanguage client QA testing phase and to shorten your waiting time until our Easter Cherry Blossom event starts next week we are having a 2.5x bonus EXP event starting today, March 30 and ending on Sunday, April 2.
Have a lot of fun! Viel Spaß dabei! Amuse-toi bien! ¡Diviértete mucho! Divirta-se muito!
Nostalgia Grind Event
The event continues until April 5, 11:00 Server Time.
Patch Notes 03/15/2023
Item Mall
New Item Mall, Sales Promotion Event
New and Ending Events
[Ongoing] St. Patrick Day Event
[New] St. Patrick's Day Enchant and Soulcraft Event
[New] St. Patrick's Day Mini Sale
New Addition !
- Special
Nature Guardian Set [Special]
Dark Guardian Set [Special - Artifact
Unholy Crusader Armor [Artifact]
Unholy Crusader Armor
Item Stats
- Hat: Final Critical Success Chance +3%
- Top: Max HP +15%
- Bottom: Max MP +15%
- Gloves: Attack Speed +20%
- Shoes: Movement Speed +20%
- Shoulders: Critical Damage +20%
- Wings: Physical Damage Drop +8%, Magic Damage Drop +8%
Set Stats
- 1 piece: STR +65, INT +65
- 2 pieces: Movement Speed +38%, Attack Speed +38%
- 3 pieces: HLT +45
- 4 pieces: AGI +50
- 5 pieces: Critical Damage +40%
- 6 pieces: Min/Max PATK +30%, Min/Max MATK +30%
- 7 pieces: Final Critical Success Chance +10%
Patch Notes 03/08/2023
Item Mall
New Event, Item Mall Changes
New and Ending Events
Item Mall:
- Added:
Devastation Weapon Box (80 IM)
Annihilation Weapon Box (80 IM)
Spiked Wing Box (80 IM)
Little Helper Balloon (80 IM
Mysterious Party Mask Box (80 IM) - Removed:
Aztec Weapon Box
Star Glasses Box
Papyrus Wing Box
Kalygon’s Parrot Baloon Box
Flapping Wings Box
Mount Surprise Box #1
- Ultimate Hero Set
- [Best] Tiger-Patterned Hoodie (male)
- [Best] Tiger-Patterned Hoodie (female)
- Red Sweety Attendant Uniform
- Whacko Mole Costume
- Fashionable Rooster Costume
- B-Boy Dance Popstar Outfit (male)
- Dance Popstar Outfit (female)
- Special
Child Maid Uniform [Special]
Water Guardian Set [Special]
White Dragon Ranger Costume [Special] - Artifact
Lucifer's Set of Artfulness [Artifact]
Crazy Clown Costume [Artifact]
[Best] Ultimate Hero Set [Artifact]
Patch Notes 03/01/2023
Ancestor Update. Bug Fixes
New and Ending Events
Ancestors Update Part 2
In the year 2017 we introduced Part 1 of the Ancestor System. Now we are proud that we finally implemented Part 2 of the system.
What's New
At NPC Lucius you are now able to get 2* Ancestory Accessory Items for 2 ExCo each. These can be equipped on Lv. 85 characters. It is required to have the same 1* Ancestory Accessory Item equipped before you can equip the 2* one. The 1* Items is then replaced by the 2* Item giving you higher stats than the 1*. The 2* Ancestor Accessory Items can only be equipped on Level 85 characters.
What's Changed
The 1* Ancestor Accessory items stop working (stop giving additional stats) as soon as your character becomes Lv. 85 and the text with the level requirement now turns red. If you want additional stats from Ancestor Items on a Lv. 85 character you need to farm 2* Items and replace the 1* ones. 1* Ancestor Accessory Items are only giving additional stats to characters Lv. 20~84.
NPC Lucius ExCo Exchange Update
At NPC Lucius you can now get the 2* Ancestor Accessory Items for 2 ExCo each and the [Regular] Prime Pixel (PATK) and [Regular] Prime Pixel (MATK)for 3 ExCo each.
General Fixes and Changes
- Update: The production system quests Logging, Mining, Mowing and Fishing have been changed from Hero Quest to Adventurer Quest type. Also they now disappear when the character reaches Level 31.
- Update: The quests Holy Armor – Gloves and Holy Armor now disappear when the character reaches Level 41
Patch Notes 02/22/2023
Item Mall
New Events
New and Ending Events
Item Mall:
- Added:
Aztec Weapon Box (80 IM)
Star Glasses Box (80 IM)
Papyrus Wing Box (80 IM)
Kalygon’s Parrot Balloon Box (80 IM)
Mount Surprise Box #1 (80 IM) - Removed:
Heartbreaker Weapon Box
Sweet Candy Weapon Box
Beautiful Rose Box
Love Glasses Box
Flapping Wings Box
Mini Wings Box
Doctor Parrell's Cutie Balloon Box
Colorful Glasses Box
- Blue Ao Dai Outfit (male)
- Blue Ao Dai Outfit (female)
- Khaki Knit Outfit
- Green Pretty Girl Outfit (female)
- Luxurious Winter Relief (male)
- Great Bear Doll
- Dark Japanese Formal Outfit
- Tiger-Patterned Hoodie
- Special
Red Dragon Ranger Costume [Special]
Grey Dotted Blazer [Special]
School of Sorcery Uniform [Special] - Artifact
Dressy Devil Outfit [Artifact]
Spiritual Shaman Set [Artifact]
Hades Set [Artifact]
Patch Notes 02/15/2023
New Events
New and Ending Events
[New] Carneval Season Event
[Ongoing] Valentine Event
[Ended] Groundhog Filler Event
General Fixes and Changes:
- Changed the minimum level requirement of the Rabbit Backpack from Level 1 to Level 20
Patch Notes 2/8/2022
Item Mall
New Events, Small Balancing, New QoL, MixBoard & Bigwheel Change
New and Ending Events
[New] Valentine Event
[Ending] Groundhog Mini Filler Event
This event has ended. Event items can still be exchanged for another week.
[Ended] Lunar New Year Event – Year of the Rabbit.
New QoL Updates:
- Gear is no longer losing durability when dying.
New Balancing Updates:
- Styling Pink [Special Grade] Set has been made Soulbound
Happenings were for example stealing the set from the guild vault and selling it, lending the set and not giving it back and more.
This change means that the set items will be soulbound to the next character which will equip it. That change affects special grade Styling Pink sets which are already in the game as well.
New Item Mall Updates:
Item Mall:
- Added:
Heartbreaker Weapon Box (80 IM)
Sweet Candy Weapon Box (80 IM)
Beautiful Rose Box (80 IM)
Love Glasses Box (80 IM)
Flapping Wings Box (80 IM)
Mini Wings Box (80 IM)
Doctor Parrell's Cutie Balloon Box (80 IM) - Removed:
Light Pixel Weapon Box
Dark Pixel Weapon Box
Golden Pixel Weapon Box
Tentacle Wings Box
Pyrei's Pucky Balloon Box
Dr. Farrell's Steampunk Glasses Box
- Valentine Prom Dress
- Tuxedo Outfit (male)
- Wedding Dress (female)
- White Ceremonial Outfit
- White Ceremonial Outfit for Women (female)
- Wedding Ceremonial Dress
- White Martial Arts Suit (male)
- Black Chic Attendant Uniform
- Special:
Styling Pink Set [Special]
Royal Highness Outfit [Special]
White Smith Set [Special] - Artifact:
Low Rider Set [Artifact]
Colonel Uniform [Artifact]
Artemis Set [Artifact]
Patch Notes 2/1/2023
New Events, Small Balancing, Bug Fixes
New and Ending Events
Groundhog Mini Filler Event
Before the Valentine's Event is starting next week we celebrate the Groundhog day. Is spring already around the corner or will the winter stay a bit longer?
Kill monsters at the usual locations to get Red Horned Dragon Skulls and grab yourself a Groundhog Balloon and a Groundhog Hat (50 Silver Coins and 20 Red Horned Dragon Skulls each).
This event runs until February 8, 11:00 Server Time.
Lunar New Year Event – Year of the Rabbit
This Event has ended. Event items can still be exchanged for another week.
Element Damage dealing End-Bosses
- Paris (Specter's Tower) now deals 150 Dark Element Damage
- Bone Frag (Graveyard 30 and 35) now deals 70 Dark Element Damage
- Katler (Graveyard 30 and 35) now deals 70 Dark Element Damage
- Ratler (Graveyard 30 and 35) now deals 35 Nature Element and 35 Dark Element Damage
- Kajimodo (Graveyard 30 and 35) now deals 100 Dark Element Damage
- Anukus (Graveyard 35) now deals 40 Fire Element and 80 Dark Element Damage
- Endairon (Temple of Water) now deals 50 Ice Element Damage
General Fixes and Changes
- Bugfix: Fixed a bug that the name of the Little Devil Pet is shown below the pet instead of being shown above the pet.
- Bugfix: Fixed a bug that the Red Cutie Attendant Uniform wasn't able to be soulcrafted/enchanted.
Patch Notes 1/25/2023
Item Mall
QoL Update: Gold Pouches
With the Gold Pouches QoL update we offer a safe way to transfer gold between your characters on the same account. At NPC Sofia you are now able to select a menu called Gold Pouch. If you select that menu entry you will be able to purchase gold pouches worth 100 gold, 500 gold, 1,000 gold, 5,000 gold, 10,000 gold, 50,000 gold and 100,000 gold – of course you pay the same amount for purchasing them they are worth. The specialty of these items is, that you can put them into your account vault and take them out no matter if your account vault is active or not. This way you are able to share these pouches through all of your characters on the same account which offers a safe way to share your gold your characters on the same account.
General Fixes and Changes
- Bugfix: Fixed a bug that the newsfeed was shown during the Changing Channel screen.
Item Mall
Zodiac Weapon Box Gold/Black
Zodiac Weapon Box Silver
Lord's Wing Box
Little Devil Balloon Box
Star Glasses Box
Light Pixel Weapon Box (80 IM)
Dark Pixel Weapon Box (80 IM)
Golden Pixel Weapon Box (80 IM)
Tentacle Wings Box (80 IM)
Pyrei's Pucky Balloon Box (80 IM)
Dr. Farrell's Steampunk Glasses Box (80 IM)
Feathered Stone Age Costume (male)
Blue Feather Stone Age Costume (female)
Red Martial Arts Suit (male)
Pink Denim Outfit (female)
Blue Brave Knight Outfit
Goldenrod Knit Outfit
Blue Pretty Girl Outfit (female)
Winter Relief Outfit (female)
DeeNo Dinosaur Costume [Special]
Pink Dragon Ranger [Special]
Fantasy Priest/Pythoness Outfit [Special]
Hephaistos Set [Artifact]
Pilgrim Outfit [Artifact]
Accurate Marksman Set [Artifact]**NEW**
Patch Notes 1/18/2023
Item Mall
Lunar New Year Event – Year of the Rabbit
Happy Lunar New Year Dragon Saga Friends and welcome to the year of the ox!
Collect Carrots until February 1, 11:00 Server Time dropped by killing Monsters inside Expert Modes, Dungeons and Mission Maps starting with Mirinae Sanctuary (they don't drop inside Temple of Water) and trade them to our Vending Machine for one of the following items:
Lunar New Year Achievement
Lunar New Year Box
The Lunar New Year Box randomly contains one of the following items:
Asian Squid Balloon
Chinese Ghost Balloon
Rabbit Backpack *NEW*
Good Luck Backpack
Dragon Mask (now for Dragokins as well)
Dragon Backpack (now for Dragokins as well)
Lion Mask (now for Dragokins as well)
Lion Backpack (now for Dragokins as well)
A red money pouch which contains some silver
2x White Moon Cake (regenrates 1450 HP instantly, does not work in BSQ)
2x Red Moon Cake (regenrates 1450 MP instantly)
3x Fortune Cookie (regenerates 1350 HP and 1350 MP instantly, does not work in BSQ)
4x Yellow Moon Cake (regenerates 1250 HP instantly, does not work in BSQ)
4x Green Moon Cake (regenerates 1250 MP instantly)
Item Mall
Coony Support Pet (240 IM) **NEW**